Dienstag, 11. März 2025

Pinkfresh Studio “Joyful Blooms” Release Blog Hop



 Hello crafty-friends, 

it's that time again and Pinkfresh Studio is starting a new release.


Today I used the "Foliage Flair" stamp for my card.

The motif was stamped with a black stamp pad

on petrol-colored cardstock. 

The flowers and leaves were given just a touch of color

so that they don't stand out.

The elegant flowers in the corner makes a special appearance.

It was embossed in gold to the match the lettering.

A few golden pearls and sprinkles round the whole thing off.






Hallo Ihr Lieben,
es ist wieder soweit und Pinkfresh Studio startet einen neuen Release.
Für meine heutige Karte habe ich den Stempel "Foliage Flair" benutzt.
Das Motiv wurde mit einem schwarzen Stempelkissen auf 
petrolfarbenen Cardstock gestempelt.
Die Blüten und Blütter haben nur einen Hauch von Farbe abbekommen,
damit sie nicht im Vordergrund stehen.
Einen besonderen Auftritt hat die edle Blüte in der Ecke.
Sie wurde gold embosst, passend zum Schriftzug.
Einige goldene Pearls und Sprenkler runden das Ganze ab. 


 Pinkfresh Studio will be giving away the full release on the Pinkfresh

blog and YouTube channel. There will be a total of 10 $50 gift cards
chosen from all the blogs on the hop list.
The winners will be picked from the comments. 
The winners will be posted on March 19, 2025 on the
Pinkfresh Studio GIVEAWAY PAGE.
You must check that page and claim your prize within 2 weeks. 
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Have a great day!
Full hop list:


You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

20 Kommentare:

  1. Ooooooooh, that is such a cool look. I'm going to go look again.

  2. Just layers of beauty. Love the gold embossing.

  3. I adore this card! It is so ornate and gorgeous! The ink blending over the dark cardstock is genius!

  4. I love you card and the use of colored cardstock. Great card!

  5. Stunning Card--That color is breath taking!

  6. Sunning, love this dramatic color!

  7. Melissa Leftrick11. März 2025 um 22:28

    So beautiful with that dark blue!

  8. The blue and gold is STRIKING! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

  9. gosh the gold leaves against the blue is stunning - thanks for sharing

  10. I love the dark blue with the gold accents

  11. The gold on that blue is divine!

  12. Such a stunning and elegant card!

  13. The dark colors make your flowers stand out! Pretty!

  14. Wow, so stunning! The gold and teal is gorgeous.

  15. Amazing card! I wasn't sure about this stamp but seeing this now I need it. :) The gold with the teal is beautiful!

  16. WOW amazing card and so vibrant!!

  17. The shade of blue you have chosen for your card is so pretty and the gold really makes it elegant.


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